Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Transcription unit research: The Vikings

For this project I decided to create a professional movie or game cinematic character design transcribed from Norse mythology tales. I found a great book "Tales from the Norse Legends" by Edward Ferrie. This book helped me a lot to familiarize myself with the most essential information about this epic story of nine worlds. It started from the Norse version of beginning in Ginnungagap and finished with the final battle of Ragnarok. There are many admirable characters with many props and clear descriptions. Most popular ones are obviously Odin, Thor and Loki. Although it is hard not to compare this theme to Marvel's "Thor" or Bethesda's "Elder scrolls" I can see many things that they added or took away in their versions of the Norse mythology. For example Thor was originally said to have red as blood hair with beard and really rusty looks instead of what we saw in the Marvel comic books (Shiny blonde hero with a tight metal-like tricot and red cape). It is a very hard choice to take one of the characters, because all of them have lots and lots to show. I was also thinking what could make my Viking long haired barbarian gods different from other people versions and I couldn't think of anything better then old good classic rock music to express the fighting for survival with the darkest powers. :D

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