Monday, November 15, 2010

Metropolis (1927) Review

Basic Wiki info:

Metropolis is a 1927 German expressionist film in the science-fiction genre directed by Fritz Lang. Produced in Germany during a stable period of the Weimar Republic, Metropolis is set in a futuristic urban dystopia and makes use of this context to explore the social crisis between workers and owners in capitalism. The film was produced in the Babelsberg Studios by Universum Film A.G. (UFA). The most expensive silent film ever made, it cost approximately 5 million Reichsmark 


Metropolis is a film clearly going foward of it's time. Obviously huge budget payd off samely as for avatar in nowdays, but while avatar is increadible just from technical side, metropolis is samely stunning from both - technical and artistic/creative side. We can see the same ideas of plot or concept repeating in many new movies and books,  According to IMDB page clear references could be found in such movies like:"Spione"  -  A poster for Metropolis can be seen when # 326 follows Sonia to Jellusic's house, "Frankenstein" - mad scientist creates a monster or even "Star Wars" -  -  C3P0 is modeled on the robot.

:"Stirred by the visionary power of "Dark City," I revisited Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" and once again fell under its eerie spell. The movie has a plot that defies common sense, but its very discontinuity is a strength. It makes "Metropolis" hallucinatory--a nightmare without the reassurance of a steadying story line. Few films have ever been more visually exhilarating." says Roger Ebert in his review. and actually we can nocie a symbolism behind that that society is divided into two classes: one of planners and management, who live high above the Earth in luxurious skyscrapers; and one of workers, who live and toil underground which reminds very much the understandig of heaven and earth. Ofcourse good and bad charackters live in both sides it reminds jing and yang, but samely you can clearly see wether character is evil or good.

Main character Freder meet beutiful and caring girl named maria (resembence from catholic religion) and they are both looking very innocent, Maria in first scenes of her is surrounded by children and it seems that she almost hav an aura on her head, while Freder looks totaly innocent and sober just from his actions (sportish and gentle 20'th centurys american dream boy). Evil scientist Rotwang is just surrounded by pentagrams (signs of devil) shows his radical fronting side to the other characters. Maria was giving working-class people hope and belief by prophecing that there will come a person called "mediator" (mediation is a way of resolving disputes between two or more parties), will fix theyre problems and will take them symbolicaly to the promissed land (again clear religious similarity) and that is how she earned the ultimate power of leadership even though she didn;t ment or wanted to do that. Clearly Freder had to be that savior, he was like Moses for those people. When Rotwang created created the evil robot copy of Maria the actress managed to make a fascinating theatrical changingby showing her evilness with her moves and facial expresions.  Eventually we can see  that she created something like a cult or sect, which also would be a sign of evil/exotic tribal worshiping. A scene where she was worshiped by  higher class men shoud have made a terrifying impresison for those days audience and Titans holding her stand was making an image of a two faced goddess Apate which used lies and itrigue to get her objectives done.

The Space was more realistic than in "Cabinet of Dr. Calligari", It was very Sc-Fi and as one of wievers have mentioned in the Rotten Tomatoes page: "Master cinematographer Karl Freund fills the screen with an array of stylized shadows, oblique camera angles, geometric images, and nightmarish labyrinths".

You can see symbolism or references to other newer movies on every corner of this film. The action was quite dynamic it is not hard to watch it. The plot is very intence for that time and succeeds to keep the intrigue.

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